13 Human Communication Lifehacks
Limitless Mindset Podcast #3
One of the most important aspects of being Limitless is our communication abilities.
We share 13 communication lifehacks and reveal the one thing that great communicators NEVER say. In the money-making technique, we will explain how to use social media to save money and influence big companies and brands that you might deal with. Listen to this cheery podcast on the go with the Castbox app here.
In this episode we discuss
- 13 communication “hacks” — tips, strategies, and techniques for being a more effective communicator.
- How to ask people about what they do for work.
- My best “pick-up line” for an interesting conversation with a new person.
- Why make more eye contact.
- Why remember peoples’ names.
- Applying “emotional economics.”
- Magnanimous conversation stealing.
- How to compliment strategically.
- The one thing great communicators NEVER say.
- Using social media to save money fast when dealing with BIG companies.
Resource mentioned: FREE Video Course for the Audio-Visual Association for remembering names
Access: AV Association Technique course
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