Defeat Digestive Dysfunction! 8 Tips for Fixing Leaky Gut, IBS and Delightful Digestion
Food can be one of the sublimest pleasures in life but it shouldn’t come at the cost of digestive disorder.
Luckily, you’re not sentenced to a life of living with a leaky gut or irritable bowel syndrome. All manner of gastrointestinal dysfunction can be made right with a multi-pronged approach which brings your gut biome into a state of tranquility and optimizes the gut-brain connection.
Listen to Your Tummy
Firstly, often your digestive dysfunction is your body trying to tell you something; stop eating toxic crap! Processed, toxic, gluten-rife foods are infamous for causing unpleasant acid reflux and bloating. This is your body’s way of telling you That’s not food! Please feed me real food!
Say NO to Supermarket Antiacids
For decades the mainstream solution to digestion issues was just to drop a few antacid tablets. These are really just a bandaid solution, that suppresses symptoms and there’s some serious concern about them actually causing cancer. In 2019 the popular antacid Zantac made by GlaxoSmithKline was pulled from store shelves by authorities when it was found to contain the toxic nitrosamine NDMA, largely recognized as a cancer-causing carcinogen.
Cut out sweets and booze
Sweet, sugary processed foods and especially booze feed the bad bacteria in your gut causing things like candida overgrowth.
Activated Charcoal
If you’re going to indulge in a bit of gluttony, enjoying a cheat meal occasionally, you can make atonement by taking a tablet or two of activated charcoal which cleans up gastrointestinal disease-causing endotoxins.
Kick the Cruciferous Creatins
Raw broccoli, spinach, and kale are marvelously nutritious, right? Actually, cruciferous greens can be a part of the problem, especially when they aren’t cooked. Try cutting these greens from your diet (or at least cutting back on them) for a week and monitor how your gut responds.
Digest like a Pro with Probiotic Foods
While you’re starving the bad bacteria in your gut you want to feed the good guys down with probiotic foods; probiotic yogurt, pickles, sauerkraut, sip on some tasty Turkish kefir, or Russian Kvass.
Get some more prebiotic fiber sources in your diet; sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, asparagus, and tummy-lovin’ pumpkin.
And, do DIY the Coconut Kefir Rosewater “Dragon’s Blood” Probiotic Cocktail, here…
With Coconut water, Rosewater, Kefir grains, Cinnamon, and Cayenne pepper — it’s one of the tastiest things I’ve ever had the pleasure of sipping!
Be Discriminating with Dairy
The very pedestrian pasteurized dairy products on offer at your grocery store are problematic. Industrially produced milk, cheese, and most butter are not doing your gut any favors. The flip side to eating, for example, too much tasty probiotic yogurt is that you may run into some dairy intolerance. Everybody has their own level of intolerance to dairy, try cutting it out totally and see how your digestion does.
BPC-157 — A Gut-Brain Axis Biohack for Total Gut Health
BPC-157 can do wonders for a cantankerous gut and gastrointestinal system. If you suffer from leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome or digestion issues it’s a safe bet solution.
- It’s a gastric pentadecapeptide which is produced in the gut naturally. But sometimes we don’t have enough of it.
- BPC-157 assuages gut inflammation, a 2017 Croatian paper identified its mechanism in addressing our stress response which manifests in all sorts of digestion dysfunction.
- An earlier paper explored the evidence for its anti-ulcerative effects and therapeutic value in addressing inflammatory bowel disease.
It may counter the gut-lining destroying effects of NSAIDs like Advil and Ibuprofen. - It’s side effect free. In the clinical studies done thus far, no toxicity or negative side effects have been noted. Encouragingly, online there’s an abundance of meticulous BPC-157 user reports which align with the studies — there’s a stark lack of people reporting side effects.
What biohackers are saying…
“I’ve been using BPC 157 and TB 500 for over a month now and have seen significant improvement in gut problems. Initially started for some lingering muscular injuries but was aware of gut-healing potential with BPC. I’ve been blown away with the benefits I’ve seen. Typical food sensitivities I’ve been dealing with for years have pretty much vanished.”
“I’ve had great success with the oral supplement and quite honestly have found it to be easier on my gut/digestion opposed to injection…”
“I’ve had great success with the oral supplement and quite honestly have found it to be easier on my gut/digestion opposed to injection”
“I also had some gut issues and minor hemorrhoid problems… In the first 4 days [of BPC-157 use] my gut seemed to have returned to being cast iron. I no longer have problems with foods that were causing me distress. Less gas and almost no annoying problems that come with hemorrhoids almost no blood when wiping and just a totally calm gut and normal output.”
“[BPC-157] has already worked perfectly for my gut issues and depression…”
Infinite Age offers capsuled BPC-157
Around the internet, you’ll find BPC-157 sold as an injectable peptide. This involves using a needle and going through the tricky process of mixing the powdered peptides in bacteriostatic water very carefully to avoid compromising the very molecularly fragile peptides. When buying peptides online you also have to be warry about Chinese sourced peptides, which are sometimes not the real thing. Infinite Age simplifies things with this capsuled BPC-157 manufactured in the USA.