I wrote this manifesto on “bio-prepping” for antifragility back in early 2020 and I was wrong about a few things, but on balance, my recommendations here have stood the test of time. My wife and I got COVID (of the Omicron strain, we believe) recently and it was a walk in the park — we were never bed-ridden and actually did a little morning workout together every day — thanks to our disciplined implementation of many of the immune biohacks here. When I wrote this naively hoped that the pandemic would galvanize widespread public interest in health and preventative immune medicine. Instead, apparently, most people sat on their couches, binging Netflix, and got fatter. Long-term thinking biohackers remain a dissident fringe in society. While COVID itself seems to be evolving in a less virulent direction, I anticipate future pandemics and viral challenges to our collective health. It’s still a great time to invest in a formidable immune armamentarium, a lot of the things discussed in this article we now carry here in the Limitless Health crypto store…