Inside a Navy SEAL’s Mind with Commander Mark Divine
In this episode, I’m joined by a 20-year veteran of the US Navy SEALs, Commander Mark Divine.
Mark operates SEALFIT, a firm that physically and psychologically prepares Special Forces candidates with a 100% placement rate. We discuss everything from Hell Week and gamifying situational awareness to warrior meditation and preparing to hike Machu Pichu. Listen to this one on the go (or while doing some arduous training) with the Castbox app here
In This Episode We Discuss:
- What are Hell Week and BUD/S?
- Physical and mental training as a social activity.
- Quantifying the effectiveness of our physical training regimens.
- Physical training for long hikes.
- The K.I.M Game.
- Multitasking meditation: Integrating Warrior Yoga, box breathing, breath awareness, and Qigong.
- Navy SEALs color system for Situational Awareness: White (Complete ignorance of your environment), Yellow (Passive alert, pattern recognition state), Orange (A blip on your radar, pay attention), Red (Massive violent action).
- How Navy SEALs are trained to relax. 4-count deep diaphragmatic breathing for relaxing. Breathing through the nose interrupts fight-or-flight responses.
- Visualization practice: light flowing into our body.
- Physical training: Bodyweight, pull-ups, air squats, and burpees.
- Dual N-Back brain training for attentional control.
Checkout Commander Divine’s program Unbeatable Mind
Jonathan at the summit of Vulcan Baru in Panama.
SEALFIT Hell Week Boot Camp on NBC News
Music: Ooah “Of Porcelain — The Witching Hour”