My Connection to NASA’s Moon Landing (Conspiracy?)

Jonathan Roseland
7 min readFeb 26, 2019


In my most recent podcast (with my very witty wife!) I discuss my personal connection to NASA’s Apollo missions to the moon. My grandfather was actually a senior engineer at NASA in the 1960’s.

Here’s a photo of him at NASA, he’s guy #2.

This topic always elicits a lot of comments about the very popular moon landing conspiracy. Obviously, I have a bit of a biased view of this because it’s a point of family pride, but honestly I haven’t made my mind up about the moon landing conspiracy. I’ve watched all those debunking documentaries and there are some very suspicious things in the footage and photos provided by NASA.

I differ from almost all of the moon landing skeptics because my view is not just based upon a handful of convincing Youtube documentaries. What’s great and also awful about the internet is that (for the most part) anybody can say anything they want on the internet. More people than ever now don’t believe that the earth is a globe orbiting a star in a galaxy thanks to the internet. I have first hand experience with the rigorous work done on the Apollo missions…

I’ve personally looked through my grandfather’s Apollo command module control manual. Which was an amazingly thick book. I’ve also looked through his stacks of notebooks full of thousands of engineering calculations done to plot the missions and engineer the rockets. He was a senior guy there at NASA, I’ve also seen the personal letter of recommendation that Werner Von Braun wrote him.

At the end of the final notebook for the moon missions he wrote finis; latin for the end. If the moon missions were a hoax, he probably would have known about it. Human beings are really not very good at keeping secrets. The Apollo mission was not something like the Manhattan project where they had strict compartmentalization of teams working towards an ultimate goal. Finis is an odd thing to write if he’d participated in a massive fraud.

I’ll add that this work (in an indirect way) killed my grandfather, he smoked and drank a lot to cope with the stress of his very demanding job and he died of cancer after retiring. According to my dad my grandfather was kind of a jerk, he wasn’t a very happy man.

I’m conflicted over the moon landings conspiracy, if they faked the moon missions they sure made my grandfather do a lot of actual engineering work to make it look legit. I don’t categorically reject conspiracy theories, it’s human nature to conspire and I know that the government lies to us to waste obscene amounts of tax payer money. But, there’s a lot easier ways for the government to waste and steal money than to undertake a colossal engineering project like the Apollo mission involving many thousands of people.

As with anything, I’d urge you not to make up your mind just based upon a few confirmatory videos that you watched on the subject in one of the internet’s echo chambers. In the podcast I tease a few other conspiracy rabbit holes that curious minds will want to explore and I link in the show notes to a few other resources that explain some of the incongruencies that the moon landing skeptics make so much noise about.

I don’t know how interested my audience is in this conspiracy theory. I’ve thought about visiting my father and pouring through his collection of my grandfather’s things looking for some kind of explicit or implicit admission to participating in a 25 billion dollar hoax.

New Meta Analysis: Lion’s Mane

Lion’s Mane a Nootropic mushroom for risk averse biohackers
This article aims to take a closer look at the Lion’s Mane mushroom. This includes what it might help with and what the science behind it says. This article is mostly going to focus on decoding what the human studies are saying about Lion’s Mane and how this squares up with the anecdotal experiences of Biohackers online. Lion’s Mane mushroom has a long history of being used in traditional medical practices. The ancient Chinese referred to mushrooms as the “spirit plant” as they believed mushrooms to be a source of longevity and spiritual wisdom.

New Book Review

“Game” by Roosh V
I’ve read and followed Roosh V for sometime, I don’t agree with him on everything but I’ve had a similar path of personal development and find him very insightful.

I’m a case study of the effectiveness of game; I was an awkward young man who really struggled with women for a long time, but then I devoted myself to the art of seduction resulting in a rowdy and memorable sex life across three continents. I got married last year to a lovely Bulgarian woman and funnily, my wife wanted to read this book with me, so we spent several evenings cuddled up reading this book to each other and discussing it.

Game and 9 of Roosh’s other books have been banned from Amazon along with a number of other platforms. If you’re the kind of person, that wants to see, know and read what you’re not supposed to know about you’ll want to read this book.

New Podcast

February Biohacking Q&A #24: My Connection to the Moon Landing (Conspiracy?) and other Nootropics questions answered…

Is Maca an athletic performance enhancer?
Is Flmodafinil safe?
Is red krill fish oil better than Omega-3 EPA/DHA oil?
Negative side effects of Noopept reported on Reddit?
Is Kratom an opioid?
Do Racetams help with bipolar mania?
Is there a streamlined way to write a book?

New Video Series

I’m producing a series of Youtube videos on a very vexing problem that you probably don’t struggle with, how to meaningfully lose one’s virginity. I see meaningful personal growth as inextricable from sexual success. I hope you’ll share this series with a man who it might help…

IF you think this is lame or sexist for some reason please read the very thorough article I wrote to complement these videos and try to empathize a little bit with the growing segment of society that is very frustrated and confused by the modern reality of dating and courtship.

My book How to Be Cross Eyed: Thriving Despite Your Physical Imperfection — a mémoire and lifehacking manifesto

For the longest time people have been telling me to write a book and I finally have! About half of the content in it is devoted to the best lifehacks and biohacks that I’ve researched and self experimented with in the past decade. If you don’t have the time to read the +500 articles on my website and watch all the videos on my Youtube channel just read this. The other half is fresh material that I haven’t published elsewhere. If reading yet another self help or health book doesn’t exactly excite you, you’ll want to read this! It’s a memoire and lifehacking manifesto; a hybrid of Tim Ferriss’s 4-Hour books, Dave Asprey’s Head Strong and Tucker Max’s I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell — early reviewers have commented that the entertaining story telling makes it a fun and engrossing read.

If you’re bored of the tired problem>generalization>platitude>strategy formula that most self help books follow you’ll enjoy this memoir of adventures, failures and unexpected successes across three continents. I’ll share with you some powerful tools for transformationbiohacking, smart drugs, flowstate, red pill mindset and tantric sex — with which I’ve managed to pack several lifetimes’ worth of peak experiences into a single decade.

Please order it today on Amazon ($9.99)
Directly on my own website (Hint: It’s a dollar less here!)

  • I’ve recorded and produced an audio book that came out to 12 hours of listening time. The audio book is included, you’ll find a link in the first chapter with a few listening options.
  • On Amazon the book is 540 pages which I know sounds like a lot but it includes a number of photos and graphics.
  • It’s just a little shy of a 100,000 words total so not a tome that will take you months to get through.
  • Print versions of the book will be available later this year. I’d love to offer signed versions of the book but I live in Bulgaria in Eastern Europe, it would be very costly to ship books here, sign them and then ship them to their customers. If you want a signed copy you might just have to come visit me!

Skimming back over this email one more time before I fire it off to you I’m wondering how many people I’m going to trigger ever so slightly by talking about conspiracy theories and religion along with marriage and sex. Maybe it’s foolish for me to publicly delve beyond my Nootropics and biohacking wheelhouse but my brand is Limitless Mindset, so I’ll explore with you any topic I find interesting.

I hope you’ll explore even that which might make you uncomfortable.



Jonathan Roseland
Jonathan Roseland

Written by Jonathan Roseland

Adventuring philosopher, Pompous pontificator, Writer, K-Selected Biohacker, Tantric husband, Raconteur & Smart Drug Dealer 🇺🇸

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