September Biohacking Q&A

Jonathan Roseland
7 min readSep 7, 2022


I’ll be answering the September Biohacking and lifehacking questions in the Q&A podcasts below.


What you find on this website is NOT medical advice. I’m not a doctor. I’m just an experienced unlicensed self-experimenter practicing free speech in talking about my own extensive experiences and my interpretations of published science. Please see my guide on How to Biohack Smart and Safe. You should consult a doctor about any biohacking you’re doing and ideally also get a second opinion.

Q&A #16

Listen to podcast: Wet Dreams = Fapping? 🎙️ September Biohacking Q&A #16 — I was about 17 hours into a 24-hour fast recording this so I’m cognitively at about 80% of my norm. The audio quality improves after about five minutes.


What about “wet dreams” does those also affects the same way as fap/wanker?


Update: I’ve since changed my views some on fapping, I’m now a permanent no fapper and couldn’t be happier! I break down WHY in this controversial podcast, The pro-free-speech case against porn — “The Porn Myth” Book Review.

Read The Tao of Health and The Multi-Orgasmic Man

Limitless Orgasms Protocol — My course for men


excellent content as always, for any chance do you know a good nootropic to speak more fluent, sometimes i feels i cant pronounced really well the words that i speak. sometimes i forgot words and articulate phrases. i am worry now. thank you for your information.


Recommendations: Piracetam and The Piracetam Protocol for optimizing the effect of the smart drug


Hey JR can you take a look at this
If this is truly the case does this pose a risk with many other supplements being combined with caffeine, or other nootropics? In the sense of them being less potent or inferior.


Hi bro I am fine to meet u and I know that dual n back pro sounds good but it is so cost that many users can’t afford.. after all it is like a thing that forces u to pay money and then play for a specific sessions. I hate the dnb pro which is annoying the r reason since it is good is that it has a very good user interface UI, but I think the dnb by tyrske which is a free to play comes same as hand with hand in dnb pro. So I would normally like dnb by tyrske… The fact that convinces you is that it has a better UI compared to other dnb’s . Ok I think I have finally got a good person like you (am not trying to please you). Please please answer my question.. what is the various methods of chunking can we chunk in different patterns of same n level please reply me… I subscribed u.


Dual N-Back Pro by IQ Mindware


Is Rhodiola ok to take if one has low cortisol? Heard it’s great for reducing high cortisol,but can it raise low?



Read The Rhodiola Revolution and my meta-analysis article of the renowned Adaptogen…

Eleuthero for chronic fatigue

Yohimbine for increasing Adrenalin

Q&A #17

Listen to podcast: Monoatomic Gold is not a Biohack & Youtube Addiction 🎙️ September Biohacking Q&A #17


Responding to 🤳 Women’s Social Media Obsession = Men’s Porn Addiction

What if I am addicted to YouTube?




Hey, Jonathan! Are you planning on doing any additional reviews on kratom. I became highly addicted to that stuff…to the point where I had to go to inpatient rehab for 90 days. I am mainly curious as to what your thoughts are concerning its positives and negatives as a botanical. I vaguely remember a video in which you concluded it really doesn’t have a great deal of value as a nootropic…but I could be wrong. Just curious!


About Kratom — includes my videos about withstanding Kratom withdrawal

Herbal Adaptogens are a Kratom alternative


Does this drug [Piracetam] have an ability to raise baseline levels? Or is it only for short term effects?


About Piracetam


would it [aniracetam] be one to stack with adderall?


About Aniracetam

Read: Adult ADHD Cured! The Four Pillars of Maintaining Focus, Motivation, and Memory


Hi jonathan i am 28yrs old,,,,,i am new to nootropics,,,,,i am a student from india,,,,,been seeing ur videos for sometime now,,,nice content,,,,the thing is my exams are fast approaching and i would like to be able to concentrate from 10 to 12 hrs a day for next 2months,,,,,in india not all nootropics are available,,,,,a little input from you regarding which among all drugs will best serve my purpose will be very helpfull,,…..plz let me know….waiting for ur reply:)



Modafinil Order with cryptocurrency

Nicotine — PG or VG liquid solution

Lifestyle tips: Meditation, diet, exercise, and standing desk


Is alpha GPC better than choline, citicoline. Or Acetycholine?
For Alzheimer patient, which one is best to take? Choline, Citicoline, Acetycholine.


About ACh precursors

Racetams — The quintessential category of smart drugs

Ginkgo Biloba — For memory support

Mitochondria Supplements — For supporting the powerhouse of the cell


Thank you johnny it was very helpfull !!!can you do a video about hiperzin a or sq1 or monoatomic gold please… greetings from germany, have a nice day peace&harmony 💯✌️⚡️💪🏽



HuperzineLess is more with this one

SKQ1 — a Smart Mitochondrial Antioxidant and Longevity Game Changer

Monoatomic gold is not a biohack — There’s no substantial human clinical research, as of 2022 nothing can be found on Pubmed.

Skin in the Game biohacking consulting/coaching

As mentioned in the podcast, this is a very lean biohacking consulting/life coaching program. Here’s how this would work…

  • The Biohacking Consultation is 1 hour and 45 minutes total — which is actually two consulting calls.
  • First Call 1 hour — Discovery & Strategizing call, I need to ask you some questions, we’ll discuss your history and outline a biohacking strategy and action plan to overcome your issues.
  • Second Call 45 minutes — Follow-up call in 30–90 days to see how you’re doing with the plan we outlined; how you’ve improved, what you’re struggling with, etc

There are a few important reasons we split the time up into two calls

  • It’s a significant motivation hack for you to follow through on the biohacking habits and plan we’ll outline because you’re accountable to me in 30–90 days.
  • I’m incentivized to come up with an effective biohacking strategy for you because I have to talk to you after you’ve been following it for a month or two.
  • It timeboxes us with a deadline in 30–90 days for you to make improvements and accomplish your goals.

Your Skin in the game here that you’re paying good money for this and you’re accountable to me on another call in 30–90 days. You’ll have to explain your lack of action if you fail to follow through.

PLEASE fill out this form

Apply for Biohacking Consultation

Take a few minutes to answer a few questions, if your issues are far outside my areas of expertise I’ll decline the consultation. My time is finite and very valuable so I only want to spend it consulting the people I can help. Thanks in advance for your understanding!

Originally published on I’m not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I’m a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinking. You should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset — spend over $100 and you’ll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.



Jonathan Roseland
Jonathan Roseland

Written by Jonathan Roseland

Adventuring philosopher, Pompous pontificator, Writer, K-Selected Biohacker, Tantric husband, Raconteur & Smart Drug Dealer 🇺🇸

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