The Cancer Prevention Protocol

Jonathan Roseland
20 min readJun 19, 2021


The bad news…

In 2020, the world was paralyzed by fear of COVID-19. Many of us now wear masks in public, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a preventive measure to “stop the spread” and hopefully protect ourselves from contracting the virus. While the media and the state have compelled us to take this preventative measure there’s another epidemic that you hear a lot less about which is significantly more likely to ruin your life or the life of someone you care about…

That would be the cancer epidemic, the monstrous specter of which cannot be overstated.

From the book The Cancer Industry:

Order book: The Cancer Industry: Crimes, Conspiracy and The Death of My Mother

The American Cancer Society estimates that almost half of everybody alive today will develop cancer at some point in their lives, and the World Health Organization predicts a 50% rise in cancer diagnosis’ by the year 2020. (p. 12)

That’s right, the American Cancer Society is saying that the average American has a coin flip’s chance of getting cancer one day — which is not hard to believe because almost everybody has a friend or family member who has struggled with cancer.

There are certain things in life that you shouldn’t fret and worry about unless they actually happen to you, cancer is not one of them. Like becoming overweight or getting fired from your job, it’s one of those things that’s so bad that it’s worth worrying about and even making some sacrifices to prevent. The main reason that I suspect cancer is so prevalent is that the things that cause cancer don’t give you cancer right away. If you ate bad food and then got really sick just a few hours later you would learn not to eat that bad food. But, cancer is typically the result of decades and decades of not-that-bad seeming behavior. If you buy a lottery ticket every day you don’t feel like you’re dooming yourself financially because it only costs a couple of bucks, but the opportunity cost of buying a lottery ticket daily for decades becomes huge. If you need further evidence that we humans aren’t very good at thinking about the future, just consider that about half of Americans buy lottery tickets, spending on average $1,038 per person yearly!

The good news (and it is very good news!)

Is that preventing cancer is not terribly complicated or expensive. In fact, if you buy lottery tickets (and you probably don’t if you’re reading this), if you instead selectively invested that money in your health, you wouldn’t have to worry much about cancer. In this article, we’ll break down the science and evidence on the cancer prevention measures you can take. You should implement all of them because cancer really sucks, but we’ll look at several options from the Kia to the Mercedes-Benz.

Antioxidants vs cancer

Free radicals are a significant causal factor in cancer. You can imagine your (ideal) body as a pristine and smoothly functioning city. The trains run on time, children don’t run in the streets, and dogwalkers clean up dog poop after their dogs — It’s a pretty great place to live! But then there’s a problem, you start getting a lot of anarchists in the city. They break windows of businesses, burn cars, spray paint obscenities in parks, and block traffic on the highways. Now, life isn’t so great in the city. The chaos begets more chaos, and if it’s allowed to continue eventually all productivity in the city will grind to a halt. In this (admittedly imperfect) metaphor, the anarchists are like free radicals in your body.

Let’s make this metaphor a little funnier…
It turns out that what the anarchists are really angry about is that they have been trying to find love on Tinder or other online dating apps and they just can’t seem to meet anyone nice. So the city recruits a crack team of expert matchmakers who start hooking the anarchists up with eligible young ladies and gentlemen. Now the anarchists are spending their time going on dates, walking hand-in-hand with their boyfriends or girlfriends in the city parks, and their evenings Netflix and chillin’ with their significant others. Now the anarchists are causing a lot less trouble and life is just peachy in the city. The nice girlfriends and boyfriends that restore tranquility are antioxidants.

So antioxidants are pretty important in preventing cancer, but you probably already know that. And plenty of people that regularly eat dark chocolate and blueberries still get cancer. This is why biohackers take things a step further with superantioxidants

ESS60 — The Super-Antioxidant

As you can see, it’s a symmetrical molecule, a 60-atom carbon Buckminsterfullerene, often called C60. The 2012 landmark C60 study that put it on the anti-aging map was done at the University of Paris.

These results of importance in the fields of medicine and toxicology should open the way for the many possible -and waited for- biomedical applications of C(60) including cancer therapy…

The lead researcher in the study, Dr. Fathi Moussa, discussed in an interview how the rats in these studies almost always die with tumors, and notably, the rats who received C60 in olive oil did not develop tumors. This result was replicated with P53 “knockout rats” which are genetically modified to develop tumors, even these rats did not develop cancer on C60, according to researcher Ian Mitchell. According to the seminal French animal study done with C60, it is 172 times more powerful than Vitamin C, so you can see why it’s well worth your attention.

Watch: ESS60 is next-level C60… [Biohacker Review of MyVitalC]

High-quality C60 is not cheap, so it falls on the Mercedes-Benz side of cancer prevention options. The purest form of C60 is ESS60, shortly we’ll look at the evidence and discuss what distinguishes C60 from ESS60.

There are well over 40 scientific papers and studies evaluating the C60’s anti-cancer effects. But some of the most promising research is not published, I’ll delve into it here…

I’m a big fan of free-market science, and there’s a collection of in vivo C60 animal studies done by LivePet, LLC of Austin, Texas wherein these sarcomas…
Human Pancreatic Cancer BxPC-3-GFP
Human Prostate Cancer PC-3-GFP
Canine Osteosarcoma D-17 Cell Line
Were treated in lab rats with C60, as documented here.

The trials are summarized…

In only one case of the three, namely canine osteosarcoma, was a serum able to completely eradicate the cancer and seemingly prevent regrowth of any further masses. The most compelling point of notes is not that the serum was able to eliminate a malignant tumor, as many chemotherapy agents are able to perform the same task, but that it was achieved using [C60 serum] that enhanced the mouse’s overall physical resilience, immune system response and longevity.

So in all three trials, 4–6 weeks of serum therapy put cancer into retreat and it eradicated the osteosarcoma.

Also, C60 decreases inflammatory cytokines according to a 2015 dog study, Safety and Efficacy of a Test Compound on the Quality of Life in Dogs Over 3 Years of Age, a collaboration between LivePet, LLC of Austin, Texas and Liberty Research Inc. of Waverly, New York. The study concluded…

In conclusion, administration of the test compound at 5X, 1X, 3X and 5X the therapeutic dose did not indicate any toxicity, was efficacious in improving the quality of life in dogs over 3 years of age when compared to the over the counter anti-inflammatory products administered and showed a decrease in inflammation with optimal decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokines occurring in animals treated with the test compound at half the therapeutic dose when blood samples were collected approximately 24 hours following test compound administration.

You’ve probably heard of inflammation; episodic acute inflammation (even of the immune system) is a natural mechanism, but chronic inflammation is a big problem which is upstream of cancer.

Ian Mitchell, the lead researcher of these studies with different types of cancer (sarcomas, carcinomas, lymphomas), reported in an interview:

“We’ve worked with over 20 different cancers and had great responses with all of them…” and C60!

And, I know what the skeptic might be thinking…

So this company that sells C60 for pets funded science that demonstrates that their product “cures cancer” — seems like they might have a bit of a conflict of interest there…

Sure, this gets at deeper philosophical questions about human nature, institutions, power, authority, and morality. You get what you pay for, so somebody needs to pay for science. Publicly-funded science tends to be hamstrung by perverse political influence. University-funded science is at the mercy of the petty politics of academia which is often deeply dogmatic.
If I was elected “World Emperor of Science,” I would take a more libertarian approach and fund science solely via crowdfunding; interested citizens would select scientific projects that appealed to them to fund out of their own pockets. But I would demand some skin in the game on behalf of the scientists, scientists would be required to cover 10%-25% of the cost of the science out of their own funds.
Science being conducted and funded by small or medium-sized businesses headed by scientists like Ian Mitchell, that develop products based upon that science is not far off from the voluntaryist/libertarian ideal that I imagine.
To fully understand why I see free-market, privately-funded science as more (or at least, equally) credible than that funded by the taxpayers, universities, and big pharma, you’d want to read my book review of Rigor Mortis: How Sloppy Science Creates Worthless Cures, Crushes Hope, and Wastes Billions here…

Listen as a Podcast: The Bane of Billion Dollar Bad Science

And familiarize yourself with the philosophy of Nassim Taleb.

To summarize recently published science

From the abstract of a recent paper published on C60:

The results demonstrate that CaMKIIα inhibition, along with the suppression of autophagic degradation, presents a promising strategy for improving the antitumor efficacy of nano-C60.

A recent Ukrainian study suggested that it could be useful in combating drug-resistance of leukemic [cancer] cells. And another Ukrainian study concluded…

pristine С(60) fullerenes efficiently inhibit the transplanted malignant tumor growth and metastasis.

A 2019 European study found a synergy between C60 and photodynamic (using light) therapy for cancer treatment.

A Chinese study found that C60 makes chemotherapy more effective in killing cancer cells via an autophagy mechanism:

Our results, for the first time, revealed a novel and more potent derivative of the C60 nanoparticle in enhancing the cytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic agents and reducing drug resistance through autophagy modulation, which may ultimately lead to novel therapeutic strategies in cancer therapy.

Is C60 a cancer “cure?”

Listen to podcast: C60 Fullerenes are a Longevity Gamechanger

To answer that (billion dollar) question in the affirmative there would need to be multiple “gold standard” human clinical trials done demonstrating that C60 outperformed a placebo, curing cancer in the subjects or at least preventing metastasis and there isn’t.

I’d be a lot less bearish about calling it a dog (or rat) cancer “cure.” The dog sarcoma trials provide a lot of reason for optimism, as does the anecdotal evidence from our fellow non-furry, bipedal mammals who have used C60. If a loved one of mine was diagnosed with cancer, I would enthusiastically recommend C60 along with whatever cancer-fighting strategy their doctors identified — mostly because C60 is risk-free, there’s virtually no downside, it’s just carbon and olive oil. But, I would simply share the superantioxidant metaphor above with them, I wouldn’t make any outlandish promises that weren’t supported by human clinical trials.
C60 has been recognized as a promising cancer therapy for decades, so the fact that mainstream medicine, academia, and the pharmaceutical industrial complex with their billions of dollars have not funded clinical cancer trials with C60 speaks volumes about these institutions. While I might fantasize about opening up an “alternative” cancer treatment therapy center treating patients with C60, if I actually did that I’d have to check under my car for firebombs every time I got in it!

As a professional Biohacker, I’m very vigilant about my health…

  • I read books to stay on the cutting edge of dietary science and am very particular about what I eat. The last time I had a Snickers bar George W. Bush was President.
  • I don’t smoke, drink much, or indulge in any really bad vices.
  • I use a medicinal red light therapy device daily.
  • I consume a small fortune’s worth of high-quality Nutraceutical and herbal health supplements every year.
  • I fast; a 16-hour daily intermittent fast and once-weekly 24-hour fasts.
  • I do meditation regularly.
  • I exercise.

I’m probably in the top 1% of most healthy 36-year-olds, yet I still feel compelled to take C60 as a cancer-preventative because…

  • I live in a big bustling city with a real air pollution problem.
  • I’m getting blasted by EMFs daily; from my WIFI, from my smartphone, from the neighbors’ WIFI, and the neighbors’ smartphones, and from the new 5G towers going up around town.
  • I try to use organic body wash and personal care products, but you never really know if they are actually organic.
  • While my wife and I are very selective about what we prepare and eat at home, a couple of times a month we eat out at the better restaurants in town and even the best restaurants sometimes use toxic, cheap PUFA oils to cook their food (yes, even if you ask them not to.)
  • I use Nicotine daily as a Nootropic; some science suggests that Nicotine itself may be slightly carcinogenic. There’s no conclusive science on the causality between Nicotine and cancer but it’s probably not a risk-free performance enhancer.
  • I get a bit of second-hand smoke from time to time from my 70-year-old Bulgarian mother-in-law who has been chain-smoking for half a century.
  • Sometimes when I’m socializing with friends or celebrating something with my wife I like to have a few drinks.

If you’re similarly vigilant about your health, sorry, you’re not off the hook on cancer — the modern world is still doing its damnedest to give you cancer! If you can afford it, C60 should be among the cancer-prevention hacks in your biohacker toolbox.

Moving on to the next cancer-prevention measure…

Avoid lectins

You may have noticed that more people than ever before are getting cancer, especially in the Western “developed” world where so many people are passionate about healthy living. Every day you’ll encounter a multiplicity of advertisements pitching you “healthy” products. Magazines, books, websites, podcasts, Youtube channels, and TV shows about health are among the most popular. Yet, the cancer rates continue to climb — there must be something that the gargantuan health industry has been missing…
One of the major things (that doesn’t get the attention it deserves) contributing to the cancer epidemic is Lectins.

When I get into a debate with a vegan/vegetarian/animal rights warrior, I have to explain to them that they are still asserting their dominance as an apex predator because plants don’t like being eaten either! In fact, they fight back with Lectins; tiny toxic proteins that sneak across the intestinal barrier and wreak havoc in our bodies. A lot of autoimmune diseases are downstream from Lectin overdose which is exacerbated by antibiotics, excessive protein intake, and the general toxicity of modernity.

The excellent book, The Plant Paradox by Dr. Steven Gundry, explains…

But the most dangerous trick pulled by lectins, which I now see on a daily basis in my patients, is that they bear an uncanny similarity to the proteins on many of our important organs, nerves, and joints. Now, in an abundance of caution, your immune system doesn’t want to make a mistake in defending your body by not attacking something important. In the days before antibiotics, you would have been in big trouble if bacteria were present in your body, which is why your immune system is hypersensitive to anything that even remotely resembles a bacterial cell wall or other foreign protein. (p. 65)

So you probably know something about autoimmune disease, you probably know somebody who suffers from an autoimmune condition, to explain the autoimmunity-cancer connection I’ll draw a historical allusion…

As World War I drew on, the Central Powers, injected a viral meme into their enemies. They sent the communist Vladimir Lenin in a sealed train to Russia where he fomented the Bolshevik revolution. Russia withdrew from the war as more and more Russian soldiers embraced communism (probably seemed like a good idea at the time) and turned their weapons on their countrymen.

A simplification of a very complicated historical episode, but a decent metaphor for how Lectins cause chronic autoimmune “friendly fire,” distracting the immune system from fighting the real enemy, cancer.

I know what you’re probably thinking at this point…

Now, you’re telling me that plants are unhealthy and potentially cause cancer? What the heck am I supposed to eat then, water?

No, you don’t need to go on an all-water diet. You just need to be more selective about the plants you do eat. Some Lectin-rife foods to avoid…

Green beans, Soy, Legumes
Beans, Lentils, Cashews
Peanuts, Chili peppers, Bell Peppers
Eggplant, Squashes
Tomatoes, Pumpkin, Zucchini
Cucumbers, Corn
Quinoa, Wheat-based foods

Also, why fruit is pro-cancer food

…cancer cell mitochondria rely on the extremely inefficient system of sugar fermentation also used by yeasts and bacteria. This means that the average cancer cell needs up to eighteen times more sugar to grow and divide than do normal cells! That’s not all. Cancer cells prefer to ferment sugar in the form of fructose rather than glucose, so there’s another reason to give fruit the boot… (p. 256)

So, sorry, you shouldn’t be chowing down on tasty fruit on the regular.

Maybe you’re now thinking…

OK, so all these plant-based foods are problematic. I’ll just do the carnivore diet then…

Not so fast. Less is more when it comes to protein. Look at the palm of your hand, from your wrist to your fingers, that’s about how much meat you should be consuming daily. Don’t get me wrong, I love meat, but most meat that you might get at the grocery store or even a nice restaurant is factory-farmed which means that it’s from an animal that was fed corn and antibiotics its whole (miserable) life — precisely what we want to avoid! Eat less meat and splurge on the really good stuff when you do! Also, it’s damn near impossible to get truly organic chicken, it’s wise to just steer clear of chicken.

Some encouraging anecdotes from the book

Melinda Y., a new seventy-seven-year-old patient, had diabetes, which was in itself serious, but her bigger problem was the large squamous cell cancers on both her legs. The tumors were too large for surgery and chemotherapy is notoriously ineffective for lesions this large. She had heard in online chat rooms that all would not be lost if she followed what I had suggested for other cancer patients. She flew into Palm Springs for a visit. I immediately placed her on the Keto Plant Paradox Intensive Care Program. Within six months, not only did her diabetes disappear, but her cancers also completely resolved. It’s an amazing but true story about the power of this program! (p. 257)

He Beat Cancer Twice

A single parent with three lovely children, Earl F. is fifty-three and HIV-positive. He first came to see me ten years ago, but I did not see him again for four years, when he reappeared, looking sheepish. He had just been diagnosed by biopsy with prostate cancer, with a Gleason Score of 3 + 3 = 6, which indicates the relative aggressiveness of the cancer and therefore its severity. He had also gained twenty pounds in the interval. Could I help him beat the cancer? Earl went on the Keto Plant Paradox Intensive Care Program, eating generous amounts of flaxseeds, and supplementing with the Brassica tea patented by Johns Hopkins. Two months later, a much slimmer Earl’s repeat biopsies showed no prostate cancer. He thanked me, and like before, disappeared, canceling his scheduled appointments. Three years later, he suddenly surfaced again, looking sheepish and with a large healing incision on his scalp. He had recently undergone extensive neurosurgery to remove part of a huge glioblastoma multiforme, one of the most feared forms of brain cancer. Unfortunately, the tumor’s location was such that not all of it could be removed. Earl was receiving both chemo and radiation therapy, but his research had convinced him that things looked bleak. Could I help again? Luckily, he was an old hand at the Keto Plant Paradox Program, and we dove right in. We upped his vitamin D levels, to above 110 ng/ml, and added additional cancer-arresting supplements. Once we saw that he was making progress with the diet and his lab results, Earl scheduled his next appointment. But as before, he disappeared. Then, two and a half years after his surgery, he walked back into the office bearing CT scans, MRIs, and PET scans of his brain, all of which showed no tumor and only scar tissue. (pp. 269–270)

Don’t worry, the Plant Paradox Program mentioned here, is not some over-hyped, over-priced thing being sold. It’s a DIY-diet program laid bare in Dr. Gundry’s $13 best-selling book and proven by the success and health of thousands of his patients. It includes an extensive list of Lectin-safe foods and veggies. I’d put The Plant Paradox pretty close to the top of the list of must-reads for cancer-free Biohackers.


It shouldn’t come as a surprise that fasting is a powerful full-spectrum cancer prevention biohack.

First, it empowers the immune system to fight cancer.

Valter Longo, Professor of Gerontology and the Biological Sciences at the University of California has studied fasting extensively. His research indicates that fasting is one of the best things you can do for your immune system. To quote some of Dr. Longo’s remarks that appeared in the UK’s Telegraph

“When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged,”
“It gives the ‘OK’ for stem cells to go ahead and begin proliferating and rebuild the entire system,”

To repeat, fasting rebuilds the entire immune system, that’s remarkable, isn’t it? Fasting causes autophagy when your body gets rid of old and unhealthy cells. This rejuvenates the immune system.

Second, fasting starves cancer.

It’s important to understand that cancer cells are impatient, they want glucose (sugar) and they want it now, they aren’t content to wait around on your body to convert your fat stores into energy. Professor Longo authored the authoritative paper, Fasting and Caloric Restriction in Cancer Prevention and Treatment, which emphasizes the preventative power of fasting and calorie restriction…

Studies on caloric intake that delay organismal aging emphasize the preventive role of [caloric restriction] in cancer establishment. Over a century ago, the first direct relationship between chronic [caloric restriction] and the prevention of tumor transplantation in mice was demonstrated…
Several studies indicate that fasting has the potential to prevent and treat diseases and promote health in humans.

The paper concludes…

Taken together, these results indicate that [periodic fasting] and [fasting-mimicking diets] have the potential to play an important complementary role in medicine by promoting disease prevention, enhancing disease treatment, delaying the aging process, and stimulating stem cell-based regeneration.

The vast majority of cancer deaths (90%) are a result of metastasis, according to research out of John Hopkins. Fasting deprives the cancer of the fuel it needs to metastasize.

I recommend habituating three types of fasting…

  1. Intermittent daily fasting — Do all your eating within about an 8-hour window, so skip breakfast and snacking in the AM. Just eat lunch and dinner.
  2. Weekly 24-hour fast — Go a full day without eating. The first time you do this you’ll get a bit hungry and uncomfortable, but it quickly becomes very easy to do, and you’ll grow to really look forward to an epic meal to break the fast. I typically fast from Sunday lunch to Monday lunch.
  3. Multi-day fast a few times yearly — Once, twice, or thrice a year challenge yourself with a 2–4 day fast. This type of fast is what Professor Longo above is talking about when he says that fasting rebuilds the immune system.

The great thing about fasting is that it’s free, in fact, if you habituate these three types of fasts, you’re cutting down from 21 meals weekly to 11, slashing your food budget almost in half! That money saved really adds up so you can splurge on high-quality meat, spendy-er biohacks like C60, a gym membership, or a vacation to the beach where you can swim in the ocean (getting some much-needed negative ion exchange with the planet — also a cancer preventative).

Originally published on I’m not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I’m a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinking. You should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset — spend over $150 and you’ll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.



Jonathan Roseland
Jonathan Roseland

Adventuring philosopher, Pompous pontificator, Writer, K-Selected Biohacker, Tantric husband, Raconteur & Smart Drug Dealer 🇺🇸

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