Thyronine “T2” — Top 9 Benefits of this Thyroid Biohack

Jonathan Roseland
7 min readAug 2, 2021


This active thyroid hormone supplement is turning heads in the bodybuilding and fitness world as it superpowers metabolism and accelerates fat loss.

3,5-diiodo-L-thyronine which I’ll refer to from now on as T2, is discussed in over 110 scientific papers on Pubmed and has been the subject of a human clinical trial. Here I’ll break down its benefits and some of the science done on it.

The major difference between a Corolla and Corvette is that one consumes fuel faster producing a lot more power. No matter how much gas you put in the Corolla it won’t go any faster. As an athlete, a bodybuilder, an entrepreneur, a professional, or just as a health-conscious person would you rather be more like a Corolla or a Corvette? If it’s the latter, T2 will empower your metabolism for peak performance.

While fully legal and non-prescription, it’s a secret weapon of some rather large and intimidating bodybuilders, we’ll call them T2erminators.

Increases Metabolism

One of the main effects of T2 is increasing metabolism. This means that you’ll burn more calories faster. If you’re an avid exerciser or lift weights often you probably eat a bit more, but you probably don’t want those calories going to your tummy and covering up your six-pack.

Fat Loss

Often as we age our metabolism slows and we put on pounds. We go to the gym and exercise, we diet but the pounds stick around on persistent fat sites, like our bellies. T2 is a potent accelerator of fat loss. 19 scientific papers delve into its mechanisms driving fat loss.

  • It increases conversion from the problematic white adipose tissue into brown adipose tissue.
  • From a 2015 study published in PLOS One [T2] a thyroid hormone derivative, is capable of increasing energy expenditure, as well as preventing high fat diet-induced overweight and related metabolic dysfunction.

Prevents Insulin Resistance

If you have a family history of diabetes and obesity, you want to be vigilant of developing insulin resistance. Diet has a lot to do with this, of course, but if a personal genotyping report reveals that you have the apoE4 or any number of other problematic diabetes predicting genes it would be really smart for you to supplement T2 which maintains healthy insulin sensitivity.
A 2011 animal study concluded…

T2, by activating SIRT1, triggers a cascade of events resulting in improvement of the serum lipid profile, prevention of fat accumulation, and, finally, prevention of diet-induced insulin resistance.

Thyroid Support

Our livelihood and vigor rely fundamentally on the Thyroid, the function or dysfunction of this small organ in our necks and the hormone it disseminates throughout our bodies determines much about our quality of life.
T2 is a precursor to thyroid hormone, it does not feed you excess hormone that’s going to put you into hormonal imbalance. T3 or T4 are more direct precursors to Thyroid hormone, and they have an even great effect on metabolism, but there’s some concern with them upregulating the hormone too much. T2 feeds you the building blocks that your Thyroid needs to meet your body’s demands.
A recent Italian paper identifies it as a Novel Thyroid Hormone Metabolite:

Over 30 years of research has demonstrated that 3,5-diiodo-L-thyronine (3,5-T2), an endogenous metabolite of thyroid hormones, exhibits interesting metabolic activities.

Jimmy, a T2erminator, reported…

Great stuff — After a couple of weeks I noticed a HUGE difference in my metabolism. Thyroburn gave me more energy and completely jump started my thyroid. Awesome product.

It could be preventative of Thyroid disorders like Hashimoto’s disease, goiter, Graves’ disease, and thyroid nodules.

Skin Hack

For the vain, Thyroid downregulation is problematic, it results in conspicuously unhealthy skin — think Golom in Lord of the Rings. Upregulating Thyroid hormone may restore such vibrancy and color to your skin that you no longer need to use filters on Instagram! T2 is a safe way to do that.

Energizing Nootropic

Nootropics are a secret weapon of high-performing entrepreneurs, students, and professionals. Nootropics give you an uptick in energy, motivation, and brainpower.
The mechanism of T2 puts it more in the category of being a motivational Nootropic than a cognition-enhancing one. If you’re like many T2erminators, it will just give you loads of energy to get stuff done.
With many Nootropics, you’ll develop a tolerance over time or you need to implement a cycling strategy to avoid exhausting a particular neurotransmitter pathway. With T2 these are not concerns as it just feeds the underlying energy generation system of the body.
A collaborative European study identified that its Mitochondrial respiratory mechanism had a downstream effect as an antidepressant.

Mitochondrial Support

T2’s Nootropic effect is probably due to its Mitochondria empowering mechanisms. The Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, the underlying energy generation system of the body.

  • Several recent Italian studies found that it favorably modulated Mitochondrial respiratory pathways.
  • [T2] may actively regulate energy metabolism at the cellular, rather than the nuclear, level, according to a paper published in Molecular and cellular endocrinology.

Like the classic Mitochondrial Nootropic Creatine, T2 will give you an edge in the gym and your athletic performance.

Cancer Preventative

Cancer is often caused by oxidative stress, free radicals disrupt the normal replication of genes and cells which results in cancer. A 2019 Italian study found that T2 protected from mtDNA oxidative damage. If you have a family history of cancer you should be concerned with prevention. From a 2017 paper:

The inhibitory action on DNL exerted by T2 makes this compound a potential and attractive drug for the treatment of some metabolic diseases and cancer.

Promotes Healthy Libido

Anecdotally, T2 makes you a corvette in the bedroom as well. Its Mitochondria empowering effect will enhance sex hormones (for him and her).

Risk Grade: C

Throughout the scientific literature, it’s emphasized that T2 has not been rigorously studied in humans. The animal studies have not identified concerning side effects but T2 isn’t in the same risk category as more common supplements like Vitamin C or Nutraceuticals.

The Endocrinology article emphasized that it’s somewhat risky as a supplement.

it is not evident from the published studies what conditions allow for its safe and effective use in humans.

It urges…

more comprehensive studies in humans and animal models are clearly needed to fully evaluate any potential risks.

And it’s advised not to stack T2 with a bunch of other workout supplements, according to the article doing so according to the article, entails significant risk of untoward effects.


Bad news, I could not find a T2 supplement that measures up to the high standards I have when it comes to this sort of thing. There are a few T2 products of dubious quality on Amazon. Before taking a supplement like this you should demand to see a COA/spectroscopy report verifying purity.

Downloadable Thyroid Support?

You may be interested in taking L-Thyroxine (similar to Thyronine) as an infoceutical — a non-pharmacological, side-effect-free version of the drug that takes advantage of the phenomenon of water memory — which is imprinted on water via quantum collocation and electromagnetism using this device…

Infocueticals typically have 1/3 or half the effect of the actual medicine being imprinted. If you’re skeptical of Infopathy that’s understandable, it’s a game-changing application of a little-known scientific phenomenon. But I’d urge you to evaluate the scientific evidence (presented in my biohacker review) that downloadable medicine is no longer science fiction…

Download: Thyroid Support Infoceutical


Given the fact that it’s hard to find and entails some risks if it’s Thyroid support that you’re after I think there are some better options out there. Notably, the Nootropic L-Tyrosine, the adaptogen Ashwagandha, Methylene Blue, and Iodine from a natural source like Irish Sea Moss.

Originally published on I’m not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I’m a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinking. You should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset — spend over $100 and you’ll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.



Jonathan Roseland

Adventuring philosopher, Pompous pontificator, Writer, K-Selected Biohacker, Tantric husband, Raconteur & Smart Drug Dealer 🇺🇸